Learning Theories and Jigsaw

The last few weeks were very intense for me at school. I learned a lot about other learning theories. I am glad I did not have to read the textbook, since it is really hard to understand sometimes. Instead, we were doing a jigsaw activity with my classmates. Everyone read one chapter in the book, posted a short summary about the reading, discussed the key points with other classmates, and summarized the main points at the end. It was a great activity for a group project, and I got to read the chapter in much shorter time.

The theory I am most interested in is andragogy. I was surprised that the book did not talk about it. So I decided to work on my annotated bibliography and include andragogy as a part of the project. It is an adult learning theory founded by Malcolm Knowles in the 1970’s. Finally, I got to read something about my country, the Czech Republic, as well. I found it interesting that the Czech Republic was among the first countries accepting this theory into practice. I would like to do more research on that. Maybe when I am traveling now, I will have a chance to stop by at the national library in Prague to get some reading done. Overall, the readings were dense and I would like to continue with discovering the secrets of learning theories on my own. It is one area of my interest now since I learned what learning theories are and how they can be used in teaching and instructional design.

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