Evaluation Survey & Understanding Scoring Rubrics

This week I created the evaluation survey for my project. I still hope that I will get enough responses. The survey did not take me to long to create, it was straightforward. I worked in Google Docs and created a new form with all the questions. After reading the papers about creating questions for surveys, I understood how important it is to ask the right questions to get the data I really need for my project.

After I read the papers about scoring rubrics, I had to agree that rubrics are really important for scoring students’ work. I have not seen rubrics until I got to study at Boise State. In my country, the Czech Republic, nobody ever used any rubrics to score students’ work. Sometimes students felt that the teachers does not like them and that is why they received worse grade than their classmates. That is one reason I think that scoring rubrics are helpful. On the other hand, I think that students might get lazy sometimes and “cheat” a little bit on the homework. For example, if the students checks the rubrics and sees that if he does not finish all the requirements, but is still able to get an A, he might choose to do so. In my country, it was much harder to get an A. Everything had to be perfect. Even one small mistake caused a lower grade. But the scope of work was also different, so it is hard to compare. I am glad I learned how to use rubrics because I think it is important to give students know how are they going to be evaluated.

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