Emerging Technologies and Learning Theories

The discussion this week was about emerging technologies and learning theories. It was very interesting to read what others think about this topic. Some of the emerging technologies my classmates listed were cloud computing and software on demand, ebooks and online textbooks, Google Docs, mobile learning, game learning, and many more. I definitely love using all of the above emerging technologies and I cannot wait to see how they will evolve in the near future. I think it is important for schools to stay updated with these technologies since many of the students today are “digital natives” as one of my classmates mentioned. Students need to keep up with the changes in technologies and educators need to make sure that the newest learning technologies are in line with learning theories.

My final paper discusses adult e-learning which is part of the andragogy learning theory. In the future I would like to research the impact of using emerging technologies on adult learners. I think educators have to take a totally different view when approaching adult learners with new technologies since they might not be as used to them as digital natives. For some adult learners, it is often much harder to stay up with all the emerging technologies and it should be taken in consideration when creating educating materials and conducting learning for adults.

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