Category Archives: 2.4 Integrated Technologies

“Integrated technologies are ways to produce and deliver materials which encompass several forms of media under the control of a computer” (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 40). Integrated technologies are typically hypermedia environments which allow for: (a) various levels of learner control, (b) high levels of interactivity, and (c) the creation of integrated audio, video, and graphic environments. Examples include hypermedia authoring and telecommunications tools such as electronic mail and the World Wide Web.

Online Learning Tools

In Module 3, we learned about the different online learning tools. It was very interesting to read about all the tools available in online education! Thanks to the Internet, teacher and instructors have so many options that it is often too hard to only choose the right tool. It may become very time consuming to learn how to use all the tools available. Teachers should first make a research to see if the tool they want to introduce to students is worth the time needed to learn how to use the tool and to create content with it. I think students will find most of the tools attractive and fun, but teachers should not overuse technology even if it looks “cool” to students. More important is to think if the tool will help students to learn the content.

I researched the screencasting software called “Adobe Captivate”. During my research, I found out that screencasting tools in general have many more advantages than disadvantages. They are very popular among teachers and students and most of the screencasting tools are very easy to learn. I have chosen Adobe Captivate since I would like to master this tool myself. I only learned the basics so far and I would like to become advanced in using this tools. I would like to be involved in software training and Adobe Captivate is one of the best tools to create interactive tutorials for software training. The presentation I created (using Prezi), can be found here:

I also enjoyed watching my classmates’ presentations. So far, I knew about all the introduced tools, but I hope that I will learn about some new ones which I could use when I create my online courses.

Worked Example Screencast Project

Digital Story

I really enjoyed creating this assignment, but it took me a while to come up with a topic. I decided to write a story about the International Women’s Group. For more than a year, it has been my and my daughter’s favorite place to hang out with friends and to learn new skills and have fun. IWG helps me every day and this is a little thank you from Sofia and I. Enjoy!