Category Archives: 5.4 Long-Range Planning

Long-range planning that focuses on the organization as a whole is strategic planning….Long-range is usually defined as a future period of about three to five years or longer. During strategic planning, managers are trying to decide in the present what must be done to ensure organizational success in the future.” (Certo et al., 1990, p. 168). SMETS candidates demonstrate formal efforts to address the future of this highly dynamic field including the systematic review and implementation of current SMET developments and innovations.

Integration of Technology in Today’s Classrooms – Necessity or Luxury?

The following link will take you to my research synthesis paper about the use of technology in education. The paper describes why it is important to use technology in the classroom and how it helps students to succeed in the real world.

Research Paper

Tech Use Plan Presentation

The following presentation covers the tech use plan. It was created to help understand the whole process of tech use planning. To view the presentation, click on the link below. I appreciate any feedback.