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Elements of Educational Technology

Edueducational-technologycational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources (Januszewski & Molenda, 2008, p. 1).

I remember my professor saying that Harvard is not different from any other university because all the students have access to the same resources.  It might not be totally true, since the professors teaching at Harvard probably do not teach at a small university in Washington DC.  But it makes me think about the possibilities students and teachers have today.  With so many resources around, education becomes more accessible to more people around the world.  According to the article, educational resources include “people, tools, technologies, and materials designed to help learners” (Januszewski & Molenda, 2008, p. 12).  All of these are important parts of the educational technology definition.

Internet is one huge resource which can be used in education in many ways.  However, it is important not only for students, but also for teachers to use Internet wisely.  It happened to me while helping as a teacher’s assistant in Microsoft Office class that the students were eager to use Internet.  Unfortunately, they were too eager and browsed sites during the lectures.  Later on, they had no idea what the teacher was talking about.  Internet can be a big help for students, but it can also be a distraction.  On the other hand, many schools have strict rules on which sites can be accessed.  This might become a problem if a teacher posts a tutorial on YouTube and students are not able to preview it.  Internet resources should be accessible to students, but sometimes it is not that case.

One kind of resource recently caught my eye — the WebQuest.  I have never heard the word before I started the EdTech program.  I had to do a quick research to learn a little bit more about the resource and I immediately found out that it might be a great resource for students.  I like the interactivity in WebQuest.  Students are not only reading the information, they are required to follow the links, look for the sources, solve problems, and think critically (http://webquest.org/).  From my own experience, it is the most helpful way to learn.  I follow the motto “If you tell me, I will listen. If you show me, I will see. If you let me experience, I will learn.”

Supercomputer, Bowie State UniversityResources outside the school are also powerful in student’s life.  Field trips to the real world have always a lot to offer.  While I was a president of a computer club at the undergraduate college I went too, I scheduled a few field trips for the students.  It was a great experience to see how the World Bank’s IT department works.  But students’ favorite field trip was to see the “supercomputer” at Bowie State University.  I have to say that I have never seen such monster before.  I think it was much more interesting to see the supercomputer in real life than just read about it and see it in the textbook.

As one can see, there are so many resources in education today, that it is sometimes hard to choose the right one for students.  It is important to keep in mind that every students is different and learn differently.  Therefore, several kinds of resources should be used to keep all the students engaged.  Fortunately, teachers have a lot to choose from.

Januszewski, A. , & Molenda, M. (2008). Educational technology: A definition and commentary [Rev. ed. 2]. (Adobe Digital Editions version).