Tag Archives: evaluation

Evaluation Models, Data Sources and Analysis

This week I found out that there is more than one model used in evaluation. To the most common models belong the discrepancy evaluation model, the goal-free model, the transaction model, the decision-making model, and the goal-based model. As I was reading about the models, I came across one question – if the person who performs the goal-free evaluation should be a subject-matter expert or not. In my opinion, it really depends on the situation and the actual program evaluated. Sometimes it is really necessary for the evaluator to be a subject matter because important information might be overlooked. It is definitely an area where I would like to do a little bit more research to see what others think and how to deal if such situation ever comes up.

I got a smile on my face when I started reading chapter 7 about data analysis. Well, there was nothing funny, but I finally found material that I am familiar with! When I was taking the two statistics courses at college, I thought that I will never need to know what standard deviation is, and here you go! It seems like it might become handy. Even thought I already knew about this topic, I was glad to refresh my memory about the most frequent item – mode, the average – mean, and the middle point – median. The authors of the book suggest using a statistics software to do the calculations. I wonder if we will be using such educational technology.. (Here I just connected my knowledge to my other class material where we just talk about the educational technology definition 😉

For my evaluation project, I decided to review and analyze a screencasting program for iPad. I will probably use the Bates’ ACTIONS model for my evaluation. It seems like one that would be most appropriate for this type of evaluation. Since I do not know what is the next step in the assignment, I just downloaded the application, but have not started using it yet. I am a little afraid that I will not have enough time to conduct the needed observations. Hopefully the program will be easy to grasp and I will find enough volunteers for my project.

Well, I have two more chapters to read. I cannot believe that I almost finished the book by now. I enjoy reading it, but I look forward to start with the project. It seems it will be fun…

An Introduction to Evaluation

Second week of school is over and I am already overwhelmed with a lot of new information. So far I learned what an evaluation is and why evaluate in the first place, what are some benefits and limitations of an evaluation, how to make sure that an evaluation will be successful, and how to use the results of an evaluation. I learned how evaluation fits into the planning process and how to develop an evaluator’s program description. All the information is new to me, so right now I am trying to digest it.

I have never thought that an evaluation can have some limitations. As I read the chapter about benefits and limitations of evaluation, I remembered one of my teacher who acted so differently when she was observed in our classroom during her evaluation. Since I do not have much experience as a teacher, I did not figure out that it is a connection until my classmate made a point about it in the discussion forum. Now I understand that evaluation can really have some limitations.

I found interesting that for evaluation to be successful, an evaluator needs to have experience and be credible. I was thinking how this work when an entry level evaluator creates an evaluation. Could this possibly be successful even though the evaluator is a beginner? How an evaluator gains the needed creadibility to start creating succssful evaluations?

So far it seems like an interesting topic to study. Sometimes I feel that the lack of my experience in the education field is a limitation to my learning. But as I read the discussion forums, I learn so much from my classmates. I appreciate that we have this opportunity since this helps me to connect the dots.