Tag Archives: reading

The First Impression

Finally!  My first semester at Boise State University just started and I am all excited and ready to learn!  I could not wait to enter my two courses: 501 Introduction to Educational Technology, and 502 Internet for Educators.  Both of the classes sound interesting.

I was surprised that my classmates are located all over the world!  I expected that I will meet people who live in different parts of the United States, but I did not expect students from Japan, Qatar, Australia, nor China.  Also, they all have such different backgrounds and a lot of experience in various areas.  The classes are definitely diverse.  I look forward to learn from all of my classmates.

I already started with the reading.  The books I read are listed below.  I really enjoy reading the book about HTML.  It is excited how one can be creative with an easy code.  I can’t wait to try the CSS and play around with the Dreamweaver.

The Non-Designer's Web Book

The Non-Designer's Web Book



Dreamweaver CS5 The Missing Manual

Dreamweaver CS5 The Missing Manual